~*~About Me!~*~
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About Me

My Doll Page

Band Pics and Song Lyrics

My Cheer Page

Cheer Motions

Cheer Jumps and Stunts

Quotes and Sayings


What's New Page

My Favorite Links

God Bless America

Sign My Guest Book

Dollz w/quotes and Animated

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Contact Page

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About Me!
Ok I don't really know what to put on this page. I don't want any of yall to stalk me or anything so I'll just talk about cheering oK! I have been cheering for 2 seasons. Last season I cheered for JV boys basketball and this season I'm going to be cheering for boys soccer! wohoo! I like to sing and dance too!

~*~E-mail me!~*~
E-mail me if you have any questions or know of anything I should add to my site!! thanks!!

Don't forget to sign my guest book!!
If you want to know more about cheerleading, visit my 'Cheer Page' which has tons of cheering stuff, my 'Cheer Motions' page, which has the basic cheer motions on them and how to do them, and my 'Cheer Jumps and Stunts' page, which has differnt cheer jumps and how to do them with a couple of stunt pics. If you have any cheers or cheerleading pics e-mail them to me! thanks!

For Links to other sites, got to 'My Favorite Links'!!
Cheer Link!