*God Bless America!*
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Hey!! This is my tribute page to the U.S.A.!!
After 9/11 I found some dolls and poems so I put them on here. Sorry the dolls are kida blurry. Go to my "Whats New Page" if you want to see my 9/11 banner. I couldn't fit it all on this page. If you have anything patriotic or from 9/11, send it to me! thanks!!

The Day the Towers Fell
They say what doesn't kill us
Only strengthens what remains
And no one sees a rainbow
Without going through the rain
And weather that's still true today
Time will only tell
Cuz now we face our darkest time
The day the towers fell

by: Busta124u

The people behind this terror
Should hang their heads in shame
America and Americans
Will never be the same
But not in the way you planned
Behind the flag and president
Togeather we have banned
But isn't it ironic
Something bittersweet
That America is stronger
Through a so-called defeat

By: KristyTris