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None of the poems that I've written are on here. Sorry. But if you have a poem you've written or one you've found that you like, e-mail it to me or sign my guest book and tell me! If you've written it I'll make sure to put your name and everything on it. Thanks!

I don't have many poems, so e-mail me if you have any!! thanks!!
*‡*TO J.R. ELKING April or May 98 *‡*

do you ever tire of pretending?
hiding behind that mask;
who everyone expects you to be?
some days,
do you just get so sick of
that alter ego,
tired of being someone you're really not,
you let your guard down
for a minute and accidentally
(or perhaps subconsciously, purposely)
let some of who you really are
come through and show itself to the world.
and the first thing that everyone says
to you is "what's wrong?"
as if the true you has something
wrong with it!
and this has happened so often,
you begin to think
there really is something wrong
with the true you;
it's obvious everyone else
thinks there is; right?
so the walls built up around you
grow even higher, stronger
so the true you doesn't leak out again
and scare everyone.
and then you get bored.
there's nothing to do
in the tower you've locked yourself in;
brain's going numb from neglect
and heart aches with loneliness.
the you that you pretend to be
tries to tell everyone this;
they're your friends,
after all,
they should understand you,
but either they're too ignorant
to notice or
you're too complex to understand,
because all you hear from them
is "what's wrong?"
and your self esteem sinks even
further into the ground,
as now you feel your alter
ego being rejected, too.
is there no one out there
who understands me,
you cry to yourself at night,
is there anyone out there who cares?
and then you begin
to think that
you don't even care anymore.
you don't know who you are anymore,
too wrapped up in the web you've spun
to figure out you're not trapped but
merely tangled up a bit.
you try to scream for help
but the words just echo
inside your head;
no one is ever around anymore.
and so you do what you do best:
sit and think.
things began feeling
unreal long ago;
source unidentified.
posessive and passive describe
your world; polar opposites, hypocrisies.
the future is unclear,
since you can't decide
which is the lesser of all evils.
old habits die hard,
and this one isn't giving up
without a fight to the death,
is it?
miserable in this world
you have created,
you can't even cry
because you're too stressed out
from it all.
bottles of prescription pills
far too tempting,
luckily not tempting enough
to surpass the fear of death
that shrouds your heart.
thank you for listening.
† (author unknown)
~¤~Love Poems~¤~
(title unknown)
Never say I love u
if it isn't really there
Never talk bout feelings
if you really don't care
Never hold my hand
if u'r gonna break my heart
Never say your going to
If u dont plan to start
Never look into my eyes I
f all u do is lie
Never say hello
If u realy mean goodbye
If u realy mean forever
Then please say that you'll try ..
Never say forever..
Because forever makes me cry..
† (autor unknown)

A heart is not a plaything
A heart is not a toy
But if u want yours broken
Just give it to a boy
Boys they like to play with things
To see what makes them run
But when it comes to kissing
They will do it just for fun
They never give thier hearts away
They play us girls for fools
They wait till we give our hearts
And then they play it cool
You will wonder where he is at night
You will wonder if hes true
One minute you will be happy
One minute you will be blue
So to fall in love with a boy
That takes alot of nerve
You see my friend you need a man
To get what you deserve
† (autor unknown)