~*~ Alli's Page!!! ~*~
My Home Page

About Me

My Doll Page

Band Pics and Song Lyrics

My Cheer Page

Cheer Motions

Cheer Jumps and Stunts

Quotes and Sayings


What's New Page

My Favorite Links

God Bless America

Sign My Guest Book

Dollz w/quotes and Animated

More Dolls (animated)

Contact Page

More Dolls (couples)

More Dolls (silents and minis)

~*~Welcome To My Home Page!!~*~
Hey everyone! This is my home page!! It isn't about any certain subject I just put a whole bunch of stuff on here so I hope you like it! Remember to sign my guest book!! Come back real soon! :o)
~*~ Updates! ~*~
I'll try to update this site as much as I can so keep checking back and see if I've added anything new.

3/12/02 ~Hey! I just started my page! It's not that great yet but I'll be adding stuff soon!
*Note: I am also working on e-mail, right now when you click 'email me' it doesn't work but hopefully it will soon.
*Notice* I just started making my cheerleading page!!
3/12/01 ~I just put up my guest book so go and sign it!!Soon I will be making a 'Songs and Lyrics Page' and I'll be working on 'My Cheer Page' so watch for those soon!
3/16/02 wohoo!! I got my cheer page up and it's done!! IF you have any cheers or quotes you wanna add to it, e-mail me! thanks! I also just put up my 'About me' page!! wohoo! and I added some pics to my poem page!! I need more though so e-mail me if you have any poems that you've written or that you've found!! If you've written if I promise I'll put your name on it and everything!! thanks!!
3/17/01 ~I just put in a counter!! wooho go me!! I also added a new page!! call 'Quotes and sayings and i added more poems to my poem page!!
3/20/02 ~I'm adding more quotes to my quote page because I got some more quotes thanks to Vicki!! wohoo! Anyways if you have anything to add, please e-mail me!! thanks!!
4/5/02 ~I put in a new welcome! I hope you all like it!! I am also adding more dolls so go check um out!!
**Thanks for everyone who came to my site!! Please sign my guest book before you leave!! thanks!!
**Yo!! FYI- I just added some more dolls anyways If you wanna see um, go to "Dolls w/quotes and animated"!! I also added a page with a few patriodic dolls abd pics, go to "God Bless America" Also if you have any poems or dolls or anything please send um to me so I can put them on there! thanks!
4/12/02 ~I just changed "My Doll page"!! And I added MORE Dolls to it!! And I added some quotes to my "Quotes and Sayings" page. I also added some poems to my *"God bless America"* page!! Its cool so go look at it!!!
Here are the different pages on my site:
~About Page~ This just has info and stuff about me.
~My Dollz Page~ Here you can find dolls that I've made, dolls I've gotten off of other peopl's sites.
~Band Pics and song Lyrics~
Has lyrics and pics of bands like Sum 41, Linkin Park and Blink 182.
~My Cheer Page~
This page is all about cheerleading!
~Cheer Motions~ all the basic motions in cheering and how to do them.
~Cheer Jumps and Stunts' ~ Cheer jumps and how to do them. Theres also a few stunt pics on there too.
~Quotes and Sayings~ Love, Friends and other quotes.
~Poems~ A few differnt poems Ive found, But I still need more so e-mail me if you have any!
~Whats New Page~ This just talks about new stuff on my site.
~My Favorite Links~ Here are some links to doll websites, cheer websites and much more!
~Sign My Guest Book~
Here you can find my guest book, please go sign it!!
~God Bless America~ Here is a tribute to the U.S.A after sep. 11. There are a few pics and poems on it.

Hey! If you have any questions, comments or anything else for me, send me an e-mail! Also, if you want one of my dolls, clip-arts, or the name of a web page, just e-mail me! Thanks!

:*: Thanks for coming to my page!:*:
......:*: love, Alli :*:.......

Cheer!! Lets Go Crimson!!
Hey, if you want too see more cheerleading pics, go to my 'Cheer Motions'there you can find the basic motions for cheerleading. Also go to my 'Cheer Jumps and Stunts!' Page. There you can find cheerleading jumps and a few stunts. If you want to know of some good cheer web pages, go to 'My Favorite Links' Also, go to 'My Cheer Page' It's all about cheerleading!!