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Here you can find cheer jumps and how to do them.
Sorry some of these pics arn't that great. If you want to see more cheerleading stuff go to 'My Cheer Page'!! And also go to 'My Favorite Links' where you can find links to cheerleading sites and alot of others!

Toe touch

This jump is done by putting your arms in a "T" motion and the legs split to the sides and toes pointed. Knees are facing up and the jumper should aim for a "hyperextended" look with the legs. The back is straight and arms are placed behind the legs-they do not touch the toes, as the name implies.

Spread Eagle (this one isn't used that much and is pretty easy)
This jump is performed with the arms in a high "V" and the legs are split with toes pointed, forming an "X" with the body. Unlike the toe touch, where the knees are facing up, in a spread eagle, the knees face forward.
Double Hook
One of the most basic jumps, the hook is done by bending both legs underneath the body (like the Toyota commercial). The arms are in a punch or high "V" motion.
A jump that is done by bending the body in half, parallel to the floor, with both legs straight out and toes pointed. Arms are also straight out, matching the shape of the legs.
(sorry this isn't a very good pic) But anyways, this jump is done by kicking one leg straight in front of the body, as high as possible, with toes pointed. The second leg is bent directly underneath the body with the knee facing out. Arms are out in front in candle sticks.
Heel Stretch
another heel stretch

(ok I know this pic really sucks but its the only one I could find!) This jump is done when one leg is straight with toes pointed and positioned slightly to the side. The other leg is bent with the knee facing down. The back is straight and arms can be in a "T" motion or a punch.