~*~Whats New Page~*~
My Home Page

About Me

My Doll Page

Band Pics and Song Lyrics

My Cheer Page

Cheer Motions

Cheer Jumps and Stunts

Quotes and Sayings


What's New Page

My Favorite Links

God Bless America

Sign My Guest Book

Dollz w/quotes and Animated

More Dolls (animated)

Contact Page

More Dolls (couples)

More Dolls (silents and minis)

What's new with my site?
I just finished my cheer page!!! So all my cheer stuff is done!! I also have my 'Cheer Motions' page done which shows basic cheer motions and how to do them, and my 'Cheer Jumps and Stunts Page' which has cheer jumps and a couple stunt pics on there. Hopefully I can add more later. Im trying to figure out how to add a poll. We'll see if I can get it to work. I also just put in a counter!! And I am now adding more dolls!! Check back for more new stuff!!

~Notice~ If anyone has anything to add to my page like songs, quotes, poems, dolls, cheers ect. or if theres something you think I should have on it that I don't, please e-mail me and I will put them on!! thanks!!

Don't forget to sign my guest book!!
E-mail me if you have any questions or know of anything I should add to my site!! thanks!